magister teknik sipil

Pascasarjarna Universitas Bandar Lampung

publikasi ilmiah mahasiswa

jurnal internasional bereputasi 2022 - abdul fikri;

Optimization of wire type and current welding on the strength of welding connection in two types of material testing via response surface methodology

The number of types of wire welding that circulate on the market and the development of welding technology, especially related to current welding, create a lack of information related to the quality of welding results for several types of materials. This can cause the strength of the welding connection to not be maximized. Therefore, this study aims to optimize the use of three types of wire welding and three current welding on the strength of the welding connection in two types of material testing using the response surface methodology.

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jurnal internasional 2022 - andrew kurniawan; sonia dwi chandra; jamaludin; ai siti munawaroh;

Study on the Potential of Historical Mahogany Trees in Improving Urban Air Quality

Metro City is one of the cities in Lampung Province, Indonesia, which has experienced various infrastructure development which contributed to the decrease of the air quality. Urbanization also causes constant decrease in term of the number of green open spaces. Yet green open space plays an important role in maintaining urban air quality. Vegetation (i.e., tree) as the main component of green open space has the ability to absorb and store carbon emission. In Metro city, there is a major green open space that includes numerous large-sized Mahogany trees lining along A.H. Nasution Road. The purpose of this study was to estimate the level of air pollution from emissions of the passing-by motorized vehicles, calculate the capacity of carbon sequestration by the Mahogany trees, and determine the potential of the Mahogany trees in improving air quality. Authors collected primary data on the diameter of the tree trunks and the number of passing-by vehicles to estimate the carbon-storing capacity and carbon emission by utilizing allometric equation and emission load analysis. This study concluded that the Mahogany trees could play an important role on storing 74% of expected annual CO2 emission in Metro City. This could be linked to the achievement of the SDGs especially Target 11.6.

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jurnal nasional terakreditasi 2023 - ali okta akbar;

Analisis Pengaruh Hambatan Samping Terhadap Kapasitas Dan Kinerja Jalan Pada Ruas Jalan Lettu Hamid Kota Pagar Alam

Jalan Lettu Hamid merupakan salah satu jalan yang membutuhkan peningkatan fasilitas pembangunan infrastruktur jalan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data jumlah penduduk kota pagar alam dan survey lalu lintas pada ruas jalan lettu hamid. Berdasarkan hasil. Tinjuan lapangan di dapat jam puncak kepadatan lalu lintas nilai Q Total mencapai 759,7 Smp/Jam.

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jurnal nasional terakreditasi 2023 - fenny suhendra;

Studi Luas Genangan Banjir Pada Suatu Das Yang Memiliki Bangunan Tanggul (Study Kasus DAS Way Pisang)

Way Pisang is a river in south Lampung Regency – Lampung, that potentially flooding every year, crossing the Penengahan, Palas and Sragi Districts. The floods that occur almost every year, has an impact on the moral and material losses to the residents who lived around the location. Flood prevention around the Way Pisang river is done by adding some embankments for its rehabilitation. The simulations of the embankment infrastructure existed carried out using HEC-RAS software.

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jurnal nasional terakreditasi 2023 - mujiyanto;

Optimalisasi Fungsi Embung Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Di Pabrik Pengolahan Sawit PT. Perkebunan Nusantara Vii (Persero) Unit Usaha Bekri

PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VII (Persero) merupakan salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang mengemban tugas untuk mewujudkan ketahanan di bidang perkebunan. Kapasitas pengolahan pabrik rencana saat ini adalah 50 Ton/Tandan Buah Segar/Jam. Akan tetapi, periode 2014 – 2019 rata-rata kapasitas olah pabrik hanya sebesar 38,13 Ton/TBS. Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah kurangnya pasokan air untuk proses pengolahan, sementara potensi air yang dikelola berasal dari embung yang tersedia di dekat lokasi pabrik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji neraca air pada embung serta mengusulkan untuk melakukan optimalisasi fungsi embung dengan caramembandingkansimulasi perhitungan kapasitas tampung embung sebelum dan sesudah normalisasi kedalaman embung.

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jurnal nasional terakreditasi 2022 - erwan dwi prastiko;


Bendung merupakan sarana untuk mempermudah akses irigasi untuk keperluan pengairan lahan pertanian, adapun Bendung Way Padang Ratu I Kecamatan Gedung Tataan Kebupaten Pesawaran mengalami kerusakan akibat banjir pada tanggal 11 Maret 2018, terdapat kerusakan pada bagian bangunan pelimpah/terjunan dan lantai olak, karena belum adanya penanganan perbaikan empat tahun terakhir ini kerusakan bagian terjunan dan lantai olak mengalami pelebaran dan perlu dilakukan analisis operasional perbaikan kerusakan . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah analisis perhitungan volume kerusakan dan biaya perbaikan kerusakan bendung Way Padang Ratu I.

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jurnal nasional terakreditasi 2021 - zulkarnain;


Pengembangan suatu kawasan haruslah memikirkan keberlanjutan suatu kawasan tersebut baik itu dari faktor ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan. Kota Baru Lampung sebagai kawasan pengembangan pusat pemerintahan Provinsi Lampung sangatlah perlu dikembangkan sebagai kawasan yang berwawasan lingkungan. Jalur hijau jalan merupakan bagian lansekap di area ruang milik jalan (rumija) yang mempunyai fungsi keselamatam dan kenyamanan pengguna jalan, penunjang kegiatan edukasi, rekreasi dan konservasi, estetika dan identitas Kawasan serta menjadi pembentuk karakter suatu kota. Fungsi tanaman pada lanskap jalan adalah untuk mengurangi paparan cahaya matahari langsung dan lampu kendaraan, sebagai pengarah, pembatas fisik, mengendalikanpergerakan, mengontrol iklim mikro, dan habitat satwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi area ruang milikjalan (rumija) sebagai jalur hijau jalan dari fungsi estetika, kenyamanan dan keselamatan, mendesain ruang milik jalan (rumija) yang sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku serta memperhatikan dari pada prinsip-prinsip pembangunan jalan berkelanjutan.

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jurnal nasional terakreditasi 2020 - muhammad imam riady;

Analysis of the tsunami evacuation route in kunjir village and way muli village, south lampung regency

The research was conducted to analyze the effectiveness of existing evacuation routes in Kunjir Village and Way Muli Village by calculating the level of safety of the population when evacuating in the event of a tsunami disaster. The data used are direct field observations, topographic maps derived from aerial photo mapping results, existing conditions of evacuation routes, gathering conditions, evacuation direction signs, and data on tsunami wave heights that may occur in the study area.

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jurnal nasional terakreditasi 2020 - Arju Meris;

Aplikasi HEC-RAS dalam Pengendalian Banjir Sungai Way Kandis - Lampung Selatan

Sungai Way Kandis merupakan salah satu sungai yang mengalami kejadian banjir setiap tahunnya, melintasi wilayah Kecamatan Jati Agung di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Terjadinya banjir hampir setiap tahun di beberapa lokasi di sekitar Sungai Way Kandis, berdampak pada kerugian moril dan materil yang dialami penduduk yang bertempat tinggal di sekitar lokasi terdampak banjir Sungai Way Kandis. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana efektifitas keberadaan bangunan infrastruktur dalam mengurangi dampak genangan banjir digunakan pemodelan HEC-RAS dengan simulasi kondisi sungai eksisting tanpa bangunan, kemudian dimodelkan juga kondisi sungai dengan keberadaan bangunan tanggul dan bendung.

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seminar internasional 2023 - Eka Putra Jaya;

The Influence of Variations in The Thickness and Density of Hot Asphalt Pavement Layers on The Results of The Marshall Test Field Test of Laston Ac-WC Mixture

One type of hot mix asphalt that is commonly used flexible pavement types is the Asphalt Concrete – Wearing Course (AC-WC), this type of hot mix asphalt is a type of wear layer pavement which means this type of pavement is applied to the surface layer.It is regulated in the General Specifications of Bina Marga Year 2018 Revision 2. The method used is to take samples in the field, then measure the thickness of the sample. After that, laboratory tests were carried out, namely density to get density and marshal test to get quality. Then a comparison was made between the test results and the JMF plan. From the research results, it was found that there was a correlation between the thickness, density and stability of the asphalt mixture. and the highest stability value was also obtained from the Marsal test results which were still below the specified standard.

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seminar internasional 2023 - Arpat Kurniawan;

Experimental Study of Cement Setting Time Using Naptha Belide E121 Admixture on 24-Hour FastTrack Concrete Quality K-500

Concrete innovation in terms of changing some of its properties to improve quality and workability cannot be separated from the use of chemical additives, one of the admixtures that was used in this research was a type of superplasticizer with the brand Naptha Belide E121 Series. In this research the author wanted to examine the setting time admixture of Naptha Belide E121 Series in the application of 24-hour fast track concrete K-500. This research aimed to determine the cement setting time in K-500 high-quality fast track concrete applications with dose variations.

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seminar internasional 2023 - Panji Oktawirawan;

Experimental Study Comparison Of Compressive Strength Of Concrete In Non-Destructive Testing And Destructive Testing

Estimating the strength and uniformity of concrete by Non-Destructive Test and Destructive Test on Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) testing, Schmidt’s Hammer testing and coreconcrete compressive strength. UPV testing indirect method and compressive strength of core concrete had a compressive strength value close to plan f’c of 25 MPa, while the results of direct method UPV testing of concrete density value were determined from the density value of the concrete, the denser the concrete tested the higher the compressive strength value. Moisture in the core concrete had an effect on the test results which were quite high.

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seminar internasional 2023 - Putri Fitria Sari;

2d Hydrodynamic Analysis Using Hec-Ras In The Way Sulan Watershed

During the period 1991 to 1995, floods in Indonesia caused trillions of rupiah in losses with 4,246 deaths, 6,635 injuries, around 7 million people suffering and 324,559 houses damaged (BNPB, 2013). In Lampung Province, there are 3 (three) River Basin Units (SWS), those are: Mesuji- Tulang Bawang SWS, Seputih-Sekampung SWS and Semangka SWS. Of these three SWS Way Sulan is a tributary of the Way Sekampung, a river length of 46,24 km and a watershed area of 238,58 km2. This research uses HEC-RAS, Global Mapper, ArcGIS applications. The research method used is a flood inundation simulation using HEC-RAS with an unsteady flow type and displaying the simulation results on a race mapper.

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seminar internasional 2023 - Rudi Hendriawan;

Wave Characteristics Simulation in the Waters of Pesisir Barat Lampung with the Wind Data Approach of the Bengkulu Recording Station

The urgency of wind data is very necessary in estimating sea waves, especially in areas that do not yet have sea wave data recording. This research aimed to determine the characteristics of waves in the western waters of Lampung, as well as compare the results of wind data simulations of the Lampung recording station with those in Bengkulu. The results of wind data processing and geographic position would determine the dominant wind direction, retrieval length, and several variables characteristic of ocean waves. The results of the analysis showed the dominant wave generation direction towards the South on the west coast, with a minimum wave height of 0.95m and a maximum of 4.3m and a wave period of up to 11 seconds.

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