Sarjana Teknik di Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), 1994-1998
Master of Science di Universitas Buffalo, The State University of New York, 2004-2006
Ph.D di Universitas Buffalo, The State University of New York, 2008-2013
Email ronnypurba@ubl.ac.id
Scholar: Ronny H. Purba, Ph.D.
Orcid: Orcid Ronny H. Purba. Ph.D.
LinkedIn: LinkedIn Ronny H. Purba, Ph.D.
Scopus: Scopus Ronny H. Purba, Ph.D.
ResearchGate: ResearchGate Ronny H. Purba, Ph.D.
Sinta: Sinta Ronny H. Purba, Ph.D.
Exploratory study on the utilization of recycled wood as raw material for cross laminated timber
Seismic Performance of Steel Plate Shear Walls Considering Various Design Approaches 14-0005. pdf
Seismic performance of steel plate shear walls considering various design approaches
Behavior of self-centering steel plate shear walls and design considerations
Seismic design and analysis of self-centering steel plate shear walls
Behavior of Steel Plate Shear Walls with In-Span Plastic Hinges
Impact of horizontal boundary elements design on seismic behavior of steel plate shear walls
Finite-element investigation and design recommendations for perforated steel plate shear walls
Innovations in Steel Plate Shear Wall Design
Design recommendations for perforated steel plate shear walls
Design recommendations for perforated steel plate shear walls
Pemberdayaan dan Perbaikan Bangunan
Perencanaan Bangunan Penahan Beban Gempa
Komputer dan Simulasi